How to Get Sleep With a Newborn:
A Guide To Restful Sleep For New Parents

Only $14.99

Though most babies sleep through the night by the time they turn one, it’s important for mamas to optimize their sleep, especially in those early days of postpartum where frequent and unpredictable wakings are common. Falling asleep faster and getting into a more restful sleep are important steps to get you more energy to keep up with your little ones.

Research shows sleep deprivation exacerbates symptoms of perinatal mood & anxiety disorders. Five hours of uninterrupted sleep every 24 hours is physiologically imperative for healthy functioning in a normal adult. This isn’t impossible – even with a newborn! 

tired new mom holding her baby

Who Is This For?

62% of new parents say their #1 stressor is exhaustion. This guide is perfect for families looking to prioritize sleep in the infant stages. This is not a sleep plan for babies but rather a guide to help moms sleep better. Will you still be waking up in the middle night to tend to babies or older kiddos, likely! But let’s get you the best rest we can with the available hours and help you fall asleep faster when you do get a much needed break!


What's Included?

  • How to create a nighttime game plan with your support system even if you’re breastfeeding
  • The risk factors of sleep deprivation and the connection to postpartum depression and anxiety
  • How to create the perfect sleep environment
  • Tips to promote sleep hygiene
  • A sleep tracker
  • Sleep journal
  • Two bedtime meditations
  • Sleep hygiene product recommendations and exclusive discounts
  • FREE 30-Day Trial to The Matrescence Membership!

Our Opinions on the Most
Common Newborn Sleep Tips You’ll See Online

Of course you thought of this, it isn’t always that easy though! We know it can be difficult to hear when you’re sleep-deprived and desperate for a few hours of sleep, but honestly, it’s true. We give you full permission to nap when the baby naps – sleep IS productive and you do not have to complete your chore list during this time.
While we agree motherhood isn’t the chapter for a pristine house we also recognize clutter can be triggering for many. If it doesn’t bother you then by all means mama, step over that pile of laundry and get to snuggling. However, if the mess piling up is becoming a nuisance or distraction consider outsourcing cleaning. If a full cleaning lady isn’t in the budget ask a teenager in the neighborhood if they’d like to make some extra spending money! You might be surprised what a quick refresh of your space can do for your overall health.
While we do encourage you to share night time duties, we also understand how difficult it can be. If you are still waking up with baby even when your partner is in charge of feeding and diaper changes you must come up with a different strategy that works for your families needs to ensure you are getting enough sleep. We share a few different options in the guide and meditations that can help you get back to sleep quickly.
While convenient, putting the crib or bassinet near the bed is more complicated than just the physical location. Some babies are ‘noisy sleepers’ and their grunting or wiggling might startle you awake even though they don’t need tended to. Putting the crib ear the bed may raise or lower anxiety, act according to your preferences.

"Place Crib near bed"

While convenient, putting the crib or bassinet near the bed is more complicated than just the physical location. Some babies are ‘noisy sleepers’ and their grunting or wiggling might startle you awake even though they don’t need tended to. Putting the crib ear the bed may raise or lower anxiety, act according to your preferences.

What's Included In The Restful Sleep Guide?

This guide dives deeper into the research and importance of protecting your sleep, how to achieve restful sleep, and a worksheet to create and track your own sleep plan.
a mom resting in bed after second baby

Sleep Hygiene TIPS

woman in bed covering face with blankets


mom practicing self care through meditating


And more...

  • How to create a nighttime game plan with your support system even if you’re breastfeeding
  • The risk factors of sleep deprivation and the connection to postpartum depression and anxiety
  • How to create the perfect sleep environment
  • Tips to promote sleep hygiene
  • A sleep tracker and journal
  • Two bedtime meditations!
  • Free 30-Day Trial of The Matrescence® Community Membership

What other resources do you have to help new parents get better sleep and avoid sleep deprivation?

Member Perk: Members of our community get access to sleep meditations, journal prompts, and other expert-created guides to help you reduce anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and rumination so you can fall asleep faster and get high quality rest.

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