What to expect at your 6-week Postpartum checkup
Wow! You’re baby is already six weeks old! Time flies, huh? Society has deemed the 6-week mark a point in time that everything is ‘back to normal.’ Time to head to the doctor for your 6-week postpartum check-up to get the ‘all clear.’
Like most things in motherhood, this appointment can raise a variety of emotions. From, “I can’t wait to get out of the house, this is going to be a fun day!” to “how in the world am I going to a) find childcare? or b) get out of the house on time with a newborn?
ALL feelings in motherhood are valid and can co-exist.
While 6-week postpartum checkup appointments are unique depending on the patient-provider relationship you can expect a few key things to occur during your visit:
- Physical exam
- A conversation about birth control
- Screening for PMADs (perinatal mood + anxiety disorders) – you will likely receive the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale – and if you’re lucky a longer conversation around how you’re feeling and any thoughts and concerns you’re having emotionally.
While the Edinburg Scale is a helpful and important tool, it’s not perfect. Mood and anxiety disorders can be sneaky and present differently for everyone. You may be experiencing surprising bouts of anger towards your husband or partner, feelings of anxiety or overwhelming concern, to extended sadness. It’s important to take note of ALL of your feelings and discuss with your healthcare provider.
We’ve created this checklist to help you prepare for the appointment. It’s important to assess how you’ve been feeling emotionally over the span of several weeks and not just on the day you are filling out the paperwork in the office.
The scale is not designed to judge you as a mother it’s meant to help you find the resources and support you may need in this tumultuous time.
Please fill out the scale honestly and use the below worksheets to prepare. We encourage you to print out these worksheets and bring them with you to the appointment.
We know it can be difficult to admit or ask for help. We find that sometimes it is easier to hand the worksheets directly to your provider so they have a full assessment of your emotional wellbeing rather than a snapshot.
Take Care of Yourself Postpartum
Remember, mama, you’re doing an amazing job! You do not have to wait until the 6-week appointment to take care of yourself or to ask for help. Call your OB, contact a therapist, and open lines of communication with your support system as soon as you recognize signs of needing help. We weren’t meant to do this alone. Asking for help is a sign of great strength!
Enter Your Email To access free worksheet
Download our free checklist and mood diary to help you prepare for your 6-week postpartum checkup!